Posted on July 15 2020

It’s 1980-something, you’re an AU Tiger, it’s a Friday during football season. Coach Dye has gotten the team back to national prominence. After the game tomorrow, you’ll be at Toomer’s Corner with thousands of other students. Tonight though, it’s off to Darnell’s to start off the night with some pre-game drinks, with a stop for some quick grub at The Flush. Then, off to the Supper Club maybe (if you can get a ride on the bus after) or Ryan’s, The Duck, or heaven forbid you wind up at Harry’s!
Auburn's notorious and greatest dive bar...Harry's Lounge. Founded by Auburn legend Maurice "Mo" Weeks in February 1974, it was one of those "last stop" places. Two pool tables (you had to learn how to play the break), two dart boards, a juke box and the coldest beer in town. "I remember going back to a game five or six years after getting out, I walk in and go over to the bar and its the SAME bartender as when I was there and before I say anything he is handing me a Coors light (only drank that beer at Harry's and don't know why) and says 'good to see you Dave, how have you been'…"
Merle Haggard even ordered his tour bus driver to stop while passing by Harry's after seeing its seedy potential. He stayed for a couple beers and according to folks there that night, fit right in.
The Hungry Hunter
Students dance at the bar area of The Hungry Hunter called the Tally-Ho Tavern. Steve Strother opened The Hunter at 1400 Opelika Road in 1978. The dance floor in the tavern was popular because there weren't many places for couples to dance at the time in Auburn.
The Sani-Freeze aka “The Flush"
Upside down banana splits, late night hang outs. Nuff said.