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Baton Rouge, LA.

Baton Rouge, LA.

We've heard alllllll about your time crushing it back in old Red Stick. And you managed to survive it all, too!

Like that time you were booted from Murphy's? Does that ring a bell? WHICH time, you ask? Or, what about losing that 100 bucks over a game of pool at The Tiger (hey, 100 bucks was BIG money back then, man!). Or the time you fell in love at the Caterie watching some killer band...or maybe it was the 50 times you fell in love at The Bayou? Or was it falling OUT of your barstool? You get the idea...good times at L.S.U. meant a little bit of "extracurricular" activity! You bet it did.

The Tiger

From $29.50 - $48.00


From $29.50 - $46.00

The Caterie

From $29.50 - $48.00

The Bengal

From $29.50 - $48.00

The Bayou

From $29.50 - $48.00


From $29.50 - $42.00

Murphy's Patch Hat

From $12.00 - $32.00

The Bayou Patch Hat

From $11.00 - $32.00

The Library

From $29.50 - $48.00

The Caterie Patch Hat

From $11.00 - $32.00