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Ann Arbor, MI.

Ann Arbor, MI.

🎶Down on Main Street...🎶

Sure, Ann Arbor is home to the Top-5-in-the-country U.M. campus, and the 100,000+ capacity home of the Wolverines. You already KNOW that! But the epitome of a picturesque college town is also home to some storied off-campus joints — due in no small part to A2's proximity to Music City. From the original Pretzel Bell (not today's reboot) to the Del Rio to Mr. Flood's Party, there WAS a scene, alright!

Schoolkids' Records

From $29.50 - $44.00


From $29.50 - $48.00

The Del Rio

From $29.50 - $48.00

Mr. Flood’s

From $29.50 - $44.00

Pretzel Bell

From $29.50 - $48.00

Dooley’s Ann Arbor

From $29.50 - $42.00

Blind Pig

From $29.50 - $42.00