Soap Creek Saloon
If you never visited the legendary Soap Creek Saloon out on Bee Cave Road during the heady hippie days of the early 70s, you wouldn’t be blamed for not recalling the exact spot very well. It was outside town (back then; today there are fancy condos where it once stood), down a bumpy dirt road at the top of hill. A classic, bygone Texas roadhouse out in the sticks. Opened in the early 70s by George Majewski, the upstart venue in the hills outside town hosted many notable acts of the era, including Willie Nelson, Jimmy Buffett, Little Feat, a young Stevie Ray Vaughn and many more. The hippies mixed with the rednecks, who emerged from the nearby hills and began sporting the longer hair of the times too. In 1978, Soap Creek moved into town to a place on Congress Ave. and continued it’s run as a magnet for national and Texas-bred musical acts. It eventually closed up permanently in 1985, after helping to raise and broaden the horizons of an entire generation of Texas music fans.
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