Papa Joe's Columbus
Were you stumbling around High Street back in the day? Before they burned down the most epic, beloved student watering hole...Papa Joe's? If you were a patron, you were part of a special era indeed. Before the "fancification" of High Street, there were classic joints like "P.J.'s", Mean Mr. Mustards, Oar House, Park Alley, Travel Agency, Mother Fletcher's and more. But Papa Joe's stands alone in O.S.U. lore. Maybe it was the Kegs and Eggs on game days, or the goal post that stood inside (after some helpful patrons ushered it back after the epic 1985 O.S.U./Iowa game. Too many stories to tell about the antics and craziness over the years at P.J.'s...many marriages were started there as well as lifelong friends and some foggy memories, too!
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