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Pink Elephant

$29.50 USD

The Pink Elephant, established in 1949 on 5th and Bayou, was built, owned and operated by Delmar Fugate until 1978. “The Pink” was built across the street from the guide docks and was originally going to be called the Buccaneer Bar. But fate would have it otherwise. So, why the name? Well, the locals believed it was “too far out of town” and they said it would be nothing but a “white elephant!” Delmar then decided to paint it a bright Bermuda pink and thus it became The Pink Elephant. Fishing guides would use the phone booth outside to conduct their business, and sit at the copper bar sipping on the famous hand-made Bloody Marys. Beachfronters, locals and guides rubbed shoulders and shared fishing stories while dancing under the moon light in the evenings.

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