Steverino’s was THE place in Athens from the late 70s into the 90s to crush a killer hand-tossed pie or the legendary college staple called The Sub, then you definitely chowed down and drank a few suds at Steverino’s. Originally housed in the spot where the Royal Peasant is today, you were either a “Steve’s” guy or a “Son’s” guy (Steverino’s was right next door to another beloved Athens joint, Son’s of Italy). The subs were insane, and the local fave was the marinated steak and cheese, served hot. Students came for the pinball machines (and the Asteroids game over at Son’s) back in the days before iPhones and Tik Tok. The two rival joints even hosted a much-loved music fest called “SonStock” for several years, which drew half of Athens. The outside deck was the sight of many lazy afternoons with friends, beers, wings and of course those epic subs!
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